• Prof. Dr. Alexander Loch
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Loch


Inter­na­tional. Capacity. Development.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Loch

I am a psycho­lo­gist, social anthro­po­lo­gist and musician.

As a scien­tist I am fasci­nated by inter­cul­tural compe­tence develo­p­ment, migra­tion gover­nance, cultural integra­tion, megatrends & inter­na­tional develo­p­ment cooperation.

I offer tailor made trainings, inter­na­tional summer schools, research & advisory services.
As well as any trian­gu­la­tion between Folk, Tango & Improvisation.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Loch

I am a psycho­lo­gist, social anthro­po­lo­gist and musician.

As a scien­tist I am fasci­nated by inter­cul­tural compe­tence develo­p­ment, migra­tion gover­nance, cultural integra­tion, megatrends & inter­na­tional develo­p­ment cooperation.

I offer tailor made trainings, inter­na­tional summer schools, research & advisory services.
As well as any trian­gu­la­tion between Folk, Tango & Improvisation.