

→ born: on 08.08.1968 in Stuttgart

→ grew up: in Berlin, Frank­furt & Cologne

→ School educa­tion (1974–1987): in Pulheim

→ Appren­ti­ce­ship as whole­sale and foreign trade merchant (1987–1989): in Cologne

→ Univer­sity studies in psycho­logy and ethno­logy (1989–1997): at the univer­si­ties of Cologne & Kathmandu

→ PhD (2007): at the Faculty of Behavioural and Empirical Social Sciences at the Ruprecht-Karls Univer­sity of Heidelberg

→ Occupa­tion (1997–2001): adult educa­tion and organi­sa­tional develo­p­ment in Rhine­land and Neckar

→ Develo­p­ment worker (2002–2005): teacher training and project manage­ment in East Timor

→ Adviser & Resear­cher (2006–2010): develo­p­ment coope­ra­tion, research & educa­tion in several ASEAN count­ries and France

→ Civil affairs officer in the United Nations Peace­kee­ping Mission in Haiti (2011)

→ Freelance inter­na­tional consul­tant and evaluator (2012–2015): in Asia, Africa and Europe

→ Profes­sor­ship for Inter­cul­tural and Social Compe­ten­cies (since 2016): HVF Ludwigsburg

Guiding subjects in life: Culture & develo­p­ment,  cross-cultural psycho­logy, folk, change manage­ment, sustaina­bi­lity (SDGs), inter­na­tional capacity develo­p­ment, action research, ”crossing borders”.


→ Study of social anthro­po­logy (ethno­logy) at the Univer­sity of Cologne

→ Research, studies and working stays in Australia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Ecuador, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malawi, Mongolia, Mozam­bique, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam, among others

→ Lecturer at the univer­si­ties of Heidel­berg, Münster & Passau

→ Disser­ta­tion  on psycho­so­cial recon­s­truc­tion in East Timor; post-doctoral studies at EHESS (Paris)

→ Visiting scholar of the Research school for Asian and Pacific studies at the Austra­lian National Univer­sity (ANU)

→ OSCE election observer in Albania, Armenia and Macedonia; United Nations Civil Affairs Officer in Haiti

→ Develo­p­ment of a univer­sity insti­tute for the documen­ta­tion of indige­nous knowledge in West Papua

→ Modera­tion of high level consul­ting processes in South East Asia

→ Inter­cul­tural perspec­tive change training for adminis­tra­tions and refugees

→ board member of the Bonn Insti­tute for Migra­tion Research and Inter­cul­tural Learning (BIM eV)

→ Design and imple­men­ta­tion of third-party funded projects (VW Founda­tion, DAAD, GFD, BIM, Humus, GIZ, BWS) for inter­na­tional summer schools, colla­bo­ra­tive research and congress organisation

Main areas of work: Cultural change, indige­nous knowlege, social inclu­sion, crisis inter­ven­tion, diver­sity manage­ment, instru­ments of develo­p­ment coope­ra­tion, conflict trans­for­ma­tion, impact monito­ring,  migra­tion gover­nance, forced migra­tion & integration.


→ Graduated psycho­lo­gist with a focus on inter­cul­tural, business & clinical psychology

→ Module Coordi­nator ”Psycho­logy” & ”Cross Cultural Compe­tence” for the BA program ”Public Manage­ment” (HVF)

→ Indepen­dent assessor for univer­sity accre­di­ta­tions (ACQUIN) and inter­na­tional partner­ships (DAAD)

→ Head of the STEINBEIS Insti­tute Inter­na­tional Capacity Development

→ HPG certi­fi­ca­tion & client centered psycho­the­rapy training

→ Psycho­so­cial counsel­ling for refugees

→ Scholar of the Gradu­ier­ten­kolleg Clinical Emotion Research (DFG)

→ Initiator of the Psycho­lo­gical Profes­sional Associa­tion in East Timor

→ Confe­rence organiza­tion with the Inter­na­tional Associa­tion for Cross Cultural Psycho­logy (IACCP) and the Research Network on forced migra­tion (NWFF)

→ Advisory work and organiza­tional consul­tancies in seven count­ries; several years of work for the German Gesell­schaft für Inter­na­tio­nale Zusam­men­ar­beit (GIZ/DSE/InWEnt)

→ Coaching of execu­tives and facili­ta­tors of the Indone­sian Ministry of Finance

→ Keynote­speaker and leader­ship trainings at BiZBW, GFMD and the World Bank

Main areas of work
: Inter­cul­tural commu­ni­ca­tion & human ressource develo­p­ment,  inter­na­tional manage­ment, social compe­tence, identity, leader­ship develo­p­ment, AI, globa­li­sa­tion, megatrends, evalua­tion & methodology.


→ Favou­rite hobbies: Long distance hiking & performing music

→ Favou­rite food: Carp — Polish in beer sauce

→ Favou­rite author: Nigel Barley

Most important, lasting insight
: lain desa — lain adat, lain sawah — lain belalang (Indone­sian: diffe­rent village, diffe­rent customs — diffe­rent rice field, diffe­rent grasshoppers).